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I already took all


Whisper 3 words and i´ll come runnin
'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars
The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat
And we'll hang out in the coolest bars
In the VIP with the movie stars
Every good gold digger's
Gonna wind up there
Every Playboy bunny
With her bleach blond hair

Newly arrived from photography, toasT

Tem um monte de onda

What do you think?

La gente pasa a tu lado, todos los dias y te ignora. Es un circulo vicioso. Sientes que estas loco, pero al mismo tiempo no lo estas. Un loco jamas admitiria que lo esta, 0 si? . Simplemente eres así; un demente. No tienes amigos ni familia. Vives en una soledad continua y la gente te repudia. Das asco, das miedo.
Sientes que de tu cuerpo brota una risa similar a la que brotaria de la garganta de una persona demente. Te limpias las lagrimas que caen de tus ojos aun con una sonrisa maniatica en tu rostro. Estas loco. No tienes cordura.

a city that doesn´t sleep

9 de marzo de 1959, Toy Fair, NYC.

El rango de una funcion.........................................................................................................................

Por la neutralidad identica del abismo.





Beyond, ago, the past.

Basically that´s what life is all about
Pink Floyd.
"my feelings pure".

un suspiro demente


she´s got the jack
What´s real can´t die.


Oh but i can hear heaven, no heaven don´t hear me
And they say that a hero can save us
Im not gonna stand here and wait
I´ll hold onto the wings of the eagles
Watch as we all fly away.
Hero, Nickelback.
Slip inside the eye of your mind.

im fine fine fine
Rivales , sin razon.

Pueblo chico, infierno grande.

Sé que vos me amas, sabés que yo te amo,
Mi amor por vos es único
Pero no es mi único amor


There are many things that i would, like to say to you, but I don´t no how.
WatcChA SaAY*

I care about lovee, and how I feel

I care about dreams, and make them real
I care about you, I care about me
be free

In crease the PEACE






I can´t go any further then this
I wan´t you so badly, It´s my biggest wish